Launch Therapy Center

ABA Therapy

What is ABA Therapy?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior.

““ABA” stands for Applied Behavior Analysis. It is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. It is typically used to help people with autism and other developmental disorders learn behaviors that help them live safer and more fulfilling lives. 

ABA focuses on teaching necessary skills and stopping dangerous behaviors rather than preventing harmless self-stimulatory behavior (stims). Therapists work with autistic people to improve skills like: 


  • Communication and language abilities
  • Social skills
  • Self-care and hygiene routines
  • Play and leisure skills
  • Motor abilities
The goal is not for someone to appear neurotypical. The goal is for their life to be improved in a way that is meaningful to them.

ABA therapy includes many different techniques. All of these techniques focus on antecedents (what happens before a behavior occurs) and on consequences (what happens after the behavior). One technique is “positive reinforcement.” When a behavior is followed by something that is valued (a reward), that behavior is more likely to be repeated. ABA uses positive reinforcement in a way that can be measured in order to help bring about meaningful behavior change.